Textbook: Environmental Science,
Course Description: The purpose of this course is to explore and inquire how humans interact with their environment from their own ecological footprint to world impact. This exploration will provide students with a wider spectrum of their place on the biosphere.
Units of Study:
Chapter 1—Science and The Environment
Chapter 2—Tools of Environmental Science
Chapter 3—The Dynamic Earth
Chapter 4—The Organization of Life Chapter
Chapter 5—How Ecosystems Work Chapter
Chapter 6—Biomes
Chapter 7—Aquatic Ecosystems
Chapter 8—Understanding Populations
Chapter 9—The Human Population
Chapter 10—Biodiversity
Needed Materials:
• Pencils and pens (blue or black ink)
• Flash Drive (may use same one for all classes)
• Index cards (1 pack)
• Science Notebook will be supplied by teacher and kept in class
Assessments/Evaluation Procedures:
Do It Now (Bell Ringers)
Science Notebook/Portfolio (checked regularly)
Classwork (includes homework, lab assignments, and in-class assignments)
Quizzes and Tests
Science Fair Project
Class Participation
Exit Tickets
Grading Scale:
90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
Below 59% F
Classroom Expectations:
1. Respect the learning and safety of others:
• Be punctual.
• Be safe.
• Be thoughtful.
Exploration of science through trial and error and testing hypotheses will be fostered in this class, so an environment of respect and safety is key.
• Treat others the way you want to be treated, with thoughtfulness and courtesy.
• Be prompt: early or on time. No one’s time is more important that the next person. We must use the time we have to learn together wisely.
• Respect every member of the classroom’s personal space, belongings, and ideas. All students are to take care of the materials and lab environment created in our class. Leave it as it was when you got there or in better condition.
• Derogatory comments (including profanity) will not be tolerated.
• Science is learned through experiment, so you will be taught and tested over the safety of our science lab space, to ensure safety. You are expected to follow these science lab procedures and policies. o Note: Due to safety considerations, all bags and belongings will be placed in the teacher-designated area. This will be strictly enforced for our safety.
2. Strive for excellence each day.
• Be prepared.
• Be engaged.
• Be responsible.
• Do your best!
"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." Vince Lombardi
• Everyone must be prepared, so we do not waste time. Have your all your materials for class with you in your seat when the bell rings.
• Actively participate and engage in class activities and discussions.
• Always do your best work. I expect quality in every assignment, no matter how small or large.
• Students are responsible for assignment due dates, Late Work Policy, and Make-up Work Policy on next page.
Students are expected to follow all Little Rock School District policies, which are outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook (SRRH).
See Ms. Thompson’s Rituals and Procedures document for specific daily classroom rituals.
Consequences for Poor Decisions:
All decisions in life have equal consequences. Below are the disciplinary steps taken if you choose to not follow the classroom expectations, rituals, and procedures.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Parent Phone Call
3. Referral to Assistant Principal
4. Referral with ISS Recommendation
5. Referral with OSS Recommendation & Parent Conference
The teacher reserves the right to send any student out of the classroom or to the office on referral for extremely disruptive, inappropriate, or severe behavior. Under no circumstance should the teacher have to ask a student to leave the classroom more than once.
Absences and Make-up Work:
All absent students will be allowed to make up work. This is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher. The student is responsible for work assigned prior to his or her absence. Announced deadlines for long-term assignments, projects, and/or research papers must be honored regardless of attendance. Family emergencies are the only exception to this rule. Tests must be made up the day of your return to class. See the SRRH regarding this policy. Students will need to retrieve their make-up work from a responsible classmate and our online Gaggle classroom where all assignments and notes are posted.
Late Work:
Any minor assignment can be turned in within one day of the original due date for half credit. It will not be accepted after that time. You are expected to meet all class deadlines. Students must sign the “Late Work” log if they fail to meet the announced deadline.
Food and Drink:
Students are allowed to have drinks with lids. However, this is a privilege that will be taken away immediately if it becomes a problem. NO food or drink is permitted on lab days.
Communication and Extra Help:
I want you to succeed, and I believe that you can. If you ever meet an obstacle on your path to success, please feel free to visit for extra help in the morning before school or after school. I am always available by email (meghan.thompson@lrsd.org) to assist you or your parents however I can. Please do not wait until the end of the nine weeks to seek help if you are having trouble. This will be too late to get you back on track to succeed. Edline is a great way for both your family and you to keep up with your grades, use it frequently. Let’s work together to make it the best year we can!