Chapter (14): Ethics, Justice, and Fair Treatment in HR Management
Author(s): Gary Dessler
Publisher: Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, England
Date: 2011
ISBN#: 978-0-273-74815-1
1. Table of Contents:
i. Ethics and Fair Treatment at Work ii. What Determines Ethical Behavior at Work? iii. How Managers Use Personnel Methods To Promote Ethics and Fair Treatment? iv. Managing Employee Discipline and Privacy
v. Managing Dismissals
2. Why I Selected This Book/Article:
For the Course HRMN250 Human Resource Management
3. Book Theme (Key Quote):
“Ethics and fair treatment play important roles in managing employees at work. Of course, few societies rely solely on managers’ ethics or sense of fairness to ensure that they do what’s right by their employee.”
4. Abstract:
I. Ethics and Fair Treatment at Work. Ethics are normative judgments based on questions of morality. Ethics refers to what you stand for whereas fairness and justice are seen in terms of a decision’s result and the process of arriving at the same. Many countries have laws and legislations governing worker’s rights, not leaving them solely to an employer’s ethics.
II. What Determines Ethical Behavior at Work? Several influences may determine whether a person acts ethical or not at work. They include: the boss: the company; the organizational culture aided by a code of ethics; and the person themselves. III. How Managers Use Personnel Methods To Promote Ethics and Fair Treatment? Personnel methods such as selection, ethics training, performance appraisals, reward and disciplinary systems, managing compliance and personnel related method for ensuring fair treatment are tools which managers use to promote ethics and fair treatment in the organization.
IV. Managing Employee Discipline and Privacy. Employee discipline may be punitive or non-punitive but should be fair and progressive, with an appeal forum. Employee