2 Evaluate the Training
2.1 This is the most vital phase of the cycle since it is only after the training/assessment has been completed, that its effectiveness can be assessed. Information gathered from the de-brief test results and observations made be persons can all contribute to this assessment. However, there are two forms of evaluation – Summative Evaluation and Formative Evaluation.
Summative Evaluation is done once the training/assessment is completed and looks at the whole training experience.
Formative Evaluation is done during the training in such a way that the findings can influence the later stages of the training being delivered.
Glossary of Terms
For the purposes of this manual the terms below shall have the following associated meanings.
Acquisition stage The stage at which an individual is undertaking a structured learning programme which is designed to develop the knowledge, skills, attitude and understanding identified for a particular role.
Appeals procedure A three stage process for any individual who believes they have been disadvantaged by any training or assessment to have their appeal heard.
Application stage The stage at which individuals, having demonstrated that they are competent in acquisition, are now able to consistently apply their knowledge, skills and understanding in the workplace to the standard described in their role map.
Approved training provider (ATP) An Aerodrome Licensee or Training Establishment approved by the Civil Aviation Authority to provide instruction leading to the grant of a CAA Certificate of Competence.
Assessor Station Commander. Watch Commander or