One of the major events that occurred at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the English cloth-making industry was the invention of the steam engine by James Watt
The Industrial Revolution began in England because its government was will to fund industrial growth
Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations emphasized the concept of enlightened self-interest
Malthus's "law" of population held that population growth will inevitably outstrip food production, leading to natural calamities, such as famines, plagues, and wars
Ricardo's "iron law of wages" held that wages or workers always hover around the subsistence level
The economic conclusions reached by Malthus and Ricardo led many to believe that the workers deserved what they got
Europe by 1830 can be described as a continent that was divided into two political camps, liberals and conservatives
What was the major issue dividing England and her American colonies in 1776? taxes and the cost of upkeep of the colonies
One immediate outcome of the American Revolution was that the new country became the most democratic government since ancient Athens
After the American Revolution, the new nation's leaders realized their democratic goals by creating a written constitution with specific and enforceable laws
France under Louis XVI can be described as a nation with a large national debt
The major accomplishment of the French Revolution's first phase was the creation of a limited constitutional monarchy
The second phase of the French Revolution can be described as a period of extreme changes
One of Napoleon's major domestic reforms was a new legal code
The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen included the guarantee of natural and civil rights
One major change in Europe between 1789 and 1815 was the influence of