Chaowarit Wangprakobkul ID:014171003 E-Mail:
Marketing objective was teaching by guest speaker, he talking about “to sell MORE STUFF to MORE
PEOPLE for MORE MONEY MORE OFTEN”. And then he was talking about Brand Growth Strategies which include with, expansion(more stuff), penetration(more people), mix(more money), and requirement(more often).
Explanation is about to expand new domains outside current category. Penetration is acquire new household or customer although can divided by to term, category and brand. Mix is to trade up to premium products. Last requirements to increase of share of requirements and growth category requirements.
Brand Growth Strategies
More Stuff
More People
More Money
More Often
Expand to new domain Acquire new outside current householder or category customer
Trade up to premium product -Increase share of requirements -Grown category requirements - Expansion is to attract new user of brand, not include line extension or variants of current products.
Using when the category growth maturing, unmet needs, and benefts transferable to another category.
- Penetration can include line extension or variant of current product can separate by two parts. First category penetration are more people using category; using when low of category development, gain frst mover adventage, and opportunity to motivate to meet the needs also new channels opportunity. Second brand penetration are more people using brand at least one in category; using when developed category or rejected brand out of date, opportunity for adoption or point of entry.
- Mix can include line extension or variant of current product using when brand being dominant, opportunity for current consumer spend more money to purchases.
- Requirement can include line extension or variant of