Fetal skull made of bones which are compressible to some extent in vault anchored to base of the skull
Occiput - is the occipital bone/external occipital protuberance.
Sinciput - is the forehead region of fetal head.
Parietal eminences - are the eminences of parietal bone on either side.
Mentum - is the chin.
Vertical point - is the center of sagittal suture.
Frontal point - is the root of nose.
Sub occiput - is the junction fetal neck and Occiput.
Sub mentum - is the junction between neck and chin.
Bi parietal - is the transverse distance between two parietal eminences.
Bi temporal - is the distance between two lower end of coronal suture
Sagittal suture - This lies in between two parietal bone.
Coronal suture - This lies in between the frontal and parietal bone on either side.
Frontal suture - This lies in between two frontal bone.
Lambdoid suture - It lies in between the parietal and occipital bone on either side.
Clinical importance of suture:-
These suture permit gliding movement of one bone over other during moulding of the head in the vertex presentation , as a result the diameter of the head get smaller so passage of head through the birth canal become easier.
Position of fontanelle and sagittal suture can identify attitude and position of vertex.
From the digital palpation of the sagittal suture during labour, degree of internal rotation and degree of moulding of the head can be noticed.
In deep transverse arrest, this sagittal suture lies transversely at the level of the ischial spines.
Vertex - It is the quadrangular area bounded anteriorly by the bregma and coronal sutures behind by the lambda and the lambdoid sutures and laterally by the line passing through the parietal eminences.
Brow - It is an area bounded on one side by the anterior fontanelle and the coronal sutures and on the other side by the root of the nose and supra-orbital ridges of