• A fiber optic transmission strand that can carry the signal.
• A source of invisible infrared radiation modulated to impress digital data or an analog signal on the light beam.
• A photosensitive detector to convert the optical signal back into an electrical signal at the receiver.
• Optical connectors at the light source-to-cable interface and at the cable-to-photo detector interface.
2. List Five advantages of an optical communications link
• Extremely wide system bandwidth when compared with other sources.
• Lower costs due to the fact that optical fiber costs continue to decline.
• Elimination of crosstalk because the light in one glass fiber does not interfere with the light in an adjacent fiber.
• Optical communication links are not as susceptible to corrosion as other forms of data transmission links.
• An optical communication link can be used in the most secure environments due to its immunity from electromagnetic coupling and radiation.
3. What are the commonly used wavelengths in fiber-optic systems?
The three most commonly used wavelengths are 850 nm to 1310 nm, 1310 nm to 1550 nm, and 1600 nm to 1625 nm.
4. A campus network is planning to install fiber-optic cables to replace outdated coaxial cables. They have the choice of installing single-mode, multimode, or combination of single-multimode filer in the ground. Which fiber type should they select and why?
Both single-mode and multimode have their own advantages and disadvantages. Because of this, I would suggest that the campus network install a combination of single-mode and multimode. The use of the single-mode fiber can be used to run long distances across campus which is one of the greatest advantages of the single-mode fiber. Similarly, multimode fiber can be used at its best in short distances because it can carry higher bandwidth in shorter distances than single-mode.
5. The networking cables for a new