The demands of the population reflect the greater women OB/GYN physicians. A study by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that about 47% of people surveyed preferred a female gynecologist, 37% had no preference and 15% wanted a male gynecologist. Many people look past the gender for a knowledgeable doctor rather than someone who understands their feeling. Many prefer female gynecologists because they think the doctor would be able to empathize as they go through the same bodily functions whereas men would not. Some prefer male gynecologists because they think men would have an objective perspective on the issue and would not get emotional. Male doctors consider small issues seriously and provide proper care while a female doctor might trivialize the issue as they might have experienced the same thing.
Religion also plays a very important role in medicine. A person with certain faith might refuse to undergo something as it would contradict his/her beliefs. Staunch Jews, Muslims, Christians and Hindus could find it inappropriate to receive care from a male doctor. Some would not appreciate their partner getting too close to another person and hence they would look for a female doctor.
Many male medical students are afraid to pursue a career in OB/GYN because