1. Make sure you KNOW and UNDERSTAND the following TERMS and DEFINITIONS:
-DNA - diploid
- genes - haploid
- chromosomes - crossing over
- sex cells - fertilisation
- somatic cells - gamete
- autosomes - zygote
- sex chromosomes - phenotype
- karyotype - genotype
- eukaryotic cell division - dominant
- mitosis - recessive
- meiosis - homozygous
- heterozygous - incomplete dominance
- codominance - pure bred
- hybrid - monohybrid cross
2. Make sure you know all there is to know about MITOSIS & MEIOSIS: (Reference: Jacplus Yr 10 Textbook, Section 2.4 “Dividing to Multiply”)
Study the MITOSIS & MEIOSIS DIAGRAMS in this section. You should be able to tell the DIFFERENCES between MITOSIS and MEIOSIS.
3. - Goto the Yr 10 SCIENCE MOODLE. - Then go into the “Cell Division” folder - Download the COMPARISON_OF_MITOSIS_AND_MEIOSIS worksheet. You should be able to place the comparisons in the CORRECT ORDER.
1. Use the information for SpongeBob’s traits to write the phenotype (physical appearance) for each item.
(a) LL-______________ (e) Rr-_______________ (b) yy-_______________ (f) ll- _______________ (c) Ss-_______________ (g) ss- _______________ (d) RR - _____________ (h) Yy -______________
2. Use the information in this chart to write the genotype (or genotypes) for each trait below.
(a) Yellow body - ___________ (b) Roundpants - ___________ (c) Oval eyes - ______________ (d) Long nose - _____________
(e) Stubby nose - ___________ (f) Round eyes - ____________ (g) Squarepants - ___________ (h) Blue body - ____________
3. Determine the genotypes for each using the information in the chart in #1. (a) Heterozygous round eyes -_____ (c) Homozygous long nose - ______ (b) Purebred squarepants - ______ (d) Hybrid yellow body -