Professor Jodi Titus
Physical Geography 1
Irvine Valley College
Cal State Fullerton 16th annual Geography Conference
I found the Cal State University Fullerton conference to be both intriguing and interesting to attend. At this conference I had the honor of hearing from several different guest speakers and professors from different scholarly institutions. While watching their presentations I found a common factor, everyone shares a passion for Geography. My expectations of this conference were quite high, when we have people such as these that have a great passion for geography success is made possible in introducing the material and capturing the audience. The conference consisted of two sessions broken down into eight topics. The first session consists of four topics and five speakers; Dan Walsh, Ray Young, Kevin Erbas-White, Melissa Miller and Anay Palafox. The first speaker Dan Walsh talks about his very own geography and how geography affected his life calling is “The Geography Of Dan”. There is always a story with a location, experiences are also tied to location and affect who we are. Everyone has a personal geography starting with the geography of our parents influencing our life. Dan Walshs’ parents lived in Hawaii therefore; he has grown to have a particular interest to hawaiis’ geography such as; volcanoes and land. Before Dan Walsh was a geographer Dan was always around national parks due to economic struggles, he grew up in the western part of the United States. As Dan grew with age he got a job at Disney Land as fictional character Captain Hook, although Dan worked as a fictional character he always had an interest in road trips. When Dan began college at Cal State Fullerton he grew particular interests and became more inclined to Geography. Dan wanted to work outdoors and decided he would major in Geology, later he would abandon the major for the alternative urban and physical Geography. Dan in efforts of