Smell plays a major role in locating prey. (smell 1 drop of blood-25 gal. of water)
More Importantly the great white shark uses the ampullae of lorenzini to locate prey.
Ampullae of lorenzini is the jelly filled canals located in the sharks head. These jelly filled canals sense tiny electrical fields generated by prey.
EX: Sea lion thrashing around on the surface. (muscle contractions)
Once locating the prey the shark stalks its victim. (circling below better feel for the environment, analyze)
Physical makeup aids in stalking. Gray/white
All leads up to final attack, a breach attack
Breach attack- is a result of a high speed approach to the surface with the resulting momentum taking the shark partially or completely clear of the water.
Unique behavior
Shark can reach speeds up to 25 mph (LAUNCH UP TO 10 FEET)
Success rate is 50% Hit or miss
The shark needs to kill the prey to replace the energy it exerted during the attack.
Once prey is in its mouth the shark will assess the energy value.
Not enough energy the shark will spit it back out.
Uses its jaws to finish the job (sawing like motion)
While attacking the shark will role it’s eyes backwards for protection
Lacks a nictitating membrane- which is a third eyelid (protects the eye)
The great white shark is not a mindless killing machine. They plan and carry out specific steps when it comes time to hunt and kill a sea lion. They are well rounded fish suitable for killing sea lions.