Greeks broke with the mythopoeic outlook and started to view the physical world and human activities through reasoning and logical thinking. What changes did it make to nature and society?
-Emphasis on reason marks a turning point for human civilization
A) Philosophy
-Marks the beginning of scientific thought, had an awareness of cause and effect, exploring the natural phenomena, principles of universe.
-Traditional mythical explanations are dismissed.
-eg. Earthquakes commonly held belief that it was caused by Poseidon, god of the sea, was offered with a logical explanation on how the earth floated on water. Discovered water as an element and rainbows certainly was not the goddess Iris.
-Parmenides’ concept of unchanging reality apprehended by thought alone influenced Plato and is the foundation of metaphysics- the branch of philosophy that attempts to define ultimate reality, or Being.
-Democritus from Greek mainland renewed the Ionians’ concern with the world of matter and reaffirmed their confidence in knowledge derived from sense perfection- and the senses indicated that change did occur in nature.
-model of universe: empty space and an infinite number of atoms- a world of colliding atoms- everything behaved according to mechanical principles.
Therefore MAIN CONCEPTS essential to scientific thought thus emerged in embryonic form with Greek philosophers:
1) Natural explanations for physical occurrences (Ionians)
2) The mathematical order of nature (Pythagoras)
3) Logical proof (Parmenides)
4) Mechanical structure of the universe (Democritus)
-with all these logical reasoning and ways of knowing, greek philosophers pushed thought in a new direction. This approached allowed critical analysis of theories, whereas myths, accepted unconditionally on faith and authority, did not promote discussion and questioning.
-made possible theoretical