On the national level, most governments support specific industries or companies through: financial assistance, such as lower tax rates, loans, or even direct grants to companies that enter new overseas markets or export certain products; state-sponsored trading companies, like American Trading Companies; and government research and information services, particularly services that help exporters identify potential markets and the risks inherent to those markets. Exports can also be stimulated through trade missions, whereby political figure and business leaders from one nation visit another nation to explore markets and make contacts. Since exports create jobs, local economic development organizations often encourage exporting as a way of creating jobs in the local community.
Read more: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Ent-Fac/Exporting.html#ixzz34mx88t9L
On the national level, most governments support specific industries or companies through: financial assistance, such as lower tax rates, loans, or even direct grants to companies that enter new overseas markets or export certain products; state-sponsored trading companies, like American Trading Companies; and government