2. George Washington Carver – best remembered agricultural scientist
3. Carlos Finlay, Walter Reed, William Gorgas – doctors who dealt with yellow fever
4. Henry Ford – entrepreneur who engineered the Model T and developed the assembly line
5. Ferdinand von Zeppelin – designed and built the dirigible
6. Orville and Wilbur Wright – made the first successful airplane flight
7. Kaiser Wilhelm II – led united Germany
8. Archduke Francis Ferdinand – heir to Austrian throne was assassinated by Serbian revolutionary is Sarajevo a town in Bosnia on July 28, 1914 starting World War I also known as the Great War
9. Henri Petain – commander of Verdun’s defenders, Verdun is where the Germans tried to beat the deadlock and for the British it was Somme River
10. Paul von Hindenburg, Erich von Ludendorff – supreme commanders of all Central Powers forces
11. Vladimir Lenin - The war led to the Russian Revolution where soldiers forced the czar to abdicate and a Provisional Government was started Lenin overthrew the government by the Bolshevik Revolution and signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk which surrendered much land and resources to Germany.
12. T.E Lawrence, Edmund Allenby – led British troops to Turkey and captured Jerusalem
13. Winston Churchill – led the Gallipoli Campaign which was the largest offensive in the East.
14. Manfred von Richthofen, Eddie Rickenbacker – famous World War I aces (shot down at least 5 enemy planes)
15. Woodrow Wilson – U.S president during World War I, America entered the war in 1917
16. John. J Pershing - American general who led doughboys, American soldiers, to halt the German’s advance
17. Ferdinand Foch – French field marshal drove the Germans back
18. Ypres – In Belgium, British lost 50,000 men, there they dug trenches (deep ditches used in Battle for cover against enemy gunfire), By Christmas the Western Front stretched for 600 miles from the English Channel to the Swiss Alps. “Miracle on the Marne” was when French forces stopped Germans in an amazing counteroffensive.
19. Radio, KDKA – a direct result of the wireless telephone, KDKA was the first commercial broadcasting station
20. Titanic – the British luxury that sank in the Arctic Ocean in 1912
21. Triple Alliance, Triple Entente – TA included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, TE included France, Great Britain, and France, TA was the Central Powers, and TE was the Allies
22. Submarine, U-boats - under water weapon developed by the Germans, unterseeboot. One of the first victims was the Lusitania
23. Zimmermann Note - proposed that Mexico and Germany form an alliance if the United States entered the war.
24. Armistice Day – day Germany surrendered on November 11, 1918
25. Fourteen Points - a list by President Wilson as the only possible program for peace
26. League of Nations – a league proposed by Woodrow Wilson, included the Big Four, President Wilson, Prime Minister David Lloyd George of England, Premier Georges Clemenceau of France, and Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy, America was the only victor not to join the League of Nations
27. Treaty of Versailles- a series of compromises
28. Italy fought for the Allies during the World War
29. The Battle of Jutland was the most important naval battle of World War I
30. Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Czechoslovakia, resulted from the redrawing map of Europe.