Chapter 1-Historical Studies: Some Issues
-historiography, great-person theory, historical development approach (zeitgeist)
-presentism vs. historicism, internists (old), historians (new)
-1960s history of psychology
-rationalists, empiricists, epistemology, nativism, mechanism, vitalism, active mind, passive mind, materialists, idealists, monist
-dualism: interactionism, Emergentism, Epiphenominism, psychophysical parallelism, double aspectism
-determinism: physical, psychical, indeterminism, Nondeterminism (hard and soft)
-Karl Popper vs. Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend
Chapter 2-Greek Psychology (Philosophy)
-animism, anthropomorphism, transmigration of the soul, relativism
-Socrates against relativism, knowledge as virtue
-the analogy of the divided line (sensory info, ignorance, opinion), true forms, Academy, reminiscence theory of knowledge
-tripartite mind (appetitive, affective, rational)
-student of Plato, Lyceum, rationalist, teleology (purpose)
-scala naturae, unmoved mover, active reason, passive reason, common sense, five senses (sensation)
-memory vs. recollection, laws of association (contiguity, similarity, contrast, frequency)
- pleasure and pain in motivation, advocated golden mean
Chapter 4-The Beginnings of Modern Science and Philosophy
-black death, rebirth of inquiry, rising interest in human condition, doubts of church, geographical knowledge, interests in quantification and math
-Ptolemy’s geocentric work challenged by Copernicus’s heliocentric
-Galileo’s telescope, primary vs. secondary characteristics
-Isaac Newton, natural laws are absolute, space time, matter, force
-empiricism (passive mind, induction)
-Francis Bacon (scientific method, idols of tribe, cave, marketplace, theater, naturalistic approach to dreams)
-rationalism (active mind acts upon sensory, deductive)
-Descartes (systematic doubt, “I think therefore I am”, nativists, dualist,