Living at home versus living in a dorm has its pros and cons. The ultimate freedom is finally upon you to a certain extent. You still depend on your parents to supply you with the everyday necessities and the occasional baked goodies to. The best thing is that living in the dorm your parents cannot reach you as they once could. The parents have to accept that you are growing into an adult and will show support in any way they can during your tenure at college. (College Dorm Life Vs Life, 2010)
Living in a dorm is fun but it can get easily bored after the first few semester’s of staying there. It can also seem to get lonely when you are staying close by to anyone you know or grew up with. Since you are living at the dorm now you have to handle stress that comes along to. The classes you are taking to just participating in activities on campus. You have to stay balance or you will start to mess up in class and out of class. One thing that draws us to living in a dorm is the freedom and experience. For example, if you have strict parents or have to abide by your parents rules at home then living in the dorm is priceless. Parents can be a huge bothersome at home when they become too intrusive in your life. Living at the dorm parents do not have the ability to pry open your life and invade your personal space. (College Dorm Life Vs Life, 2010) There will be countless experience that you will see and participate on campus. You will be able to look back on your college experience and tell the famous stories you were part of. For example: the parties you went