Back in the old days companies would have their own proprietary computer software to perform and or collect data to properly operate but as time went on the issue that would arise is that the new standardized programs needed to be integrated with the outdated legacy software. Compatibility between the new and old software is a must. New technologies must be able to work with the old.
Businesses today rely on technology to help perform necessary operations. As technology changes, what we consider advanced today, tomorrow will be considered outdated. Business ideas will also change in order to stay competitive with each other. New technology will always arise as old technologies are exploited to maintain a competitive market. With the aid of technology businesses can make more money in a more global market. Instead of selling products or offering services to local customer, they now can be sold to those who would typically be considered out of reach.
Database Management Systems can be found everywhere inside and outside the workplace. For example, Database Management Systems at work would include inventory systems, flight reservation systems and computerized library systems. Outside the workplace one would find DBMS's such as an Automated Teller Machine or ATM. DBMS's have become a very important part of everyday business not just because of their effectiveness, but also their advantages that I will later discuss.I currently working in the Naval Construction field and there are many important