Also, there are some horror films that would benefit the existence of religion. Most of the horror films are related to religion. A vampire movie “Thirst” shows many religious elements. As the movie mentions, a vampire is a creature who forsakes God for power and it is an affront to the God. In the movie, it talks about Sang-hyun, who is a priest, turning to a vampire after a surgical operation. He is a volunteer and provides ministry to the patients. He saw too many death as a result he doubts that people born in the world are destined to suffer and death. At this moment, he abandons God and participates an experiment that could extend human life. He performs some miracles that make people to believe him and they become his follows.
Most people don’t realize horror film could benefit psychological. One research found that horror film has the power to reach a “person’s psyche to separate someone from fears that have been dealt with for years.” The main fear, which is common too, shares by a majority of the world’s population are considered as deal with death. As they saw lots of killing in the movie, they will realize death is inevitable, that is something should not be scared. In addition, horror films make us have a deeper view of the society or the world. Horror films develop an atmosphere that could