
Steven King Why We Crave Horror Movies Analysis

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Steven King Why We Crave Horror Movies Analysis
Horror movies bright out the demon in everyone. Normally someone would not be rooting on a person getting sawed in half with a chainsaw or getting stabbed in the back with a knife in the shower. In Steven King’s Why We Crave Horror Movies he discusses why people love horror movies so much. Of course, some people are not a fan of horror movies. Not everyone can handle the jump scares and gore, however some people can sit and watch the massacre for hours. Horror movies supply people with an adrenaline rush and a sensation of fear while bringing out the sociopath side found within everyone. The horror genre is meant to bring out the worst in people. Each and every person has dark and evil thoughts that are not often seen during the day. However, the moment they begin watching a horror movie, those evil thoughts take over. It is a “peculiar sort of fun, indeed. The fun comes from seeing others menaced – sometimes killed” (King, 1). These sort of movies appeal to the side of people that is often tucked away. While I am driving down the highway and a person suddenly cuts me off and I have to slam on the breaks, I often think what would happen if I jumped out of my car and slammed …show more content…
I am terrified for my life for no real apparent reason. In Margarita Tartakovsky’s Why Some People Love Horror Movies While Others Hate Them, Glenn Sparks states that “one reason for the appeal is how you feel after the movie. This is called the excitation transfer process…when people watch frightening films, their heart rate, blood pressure and respiration increases” (Tartakovsky, 1). People often do not feel their heart rate and blood pressure sky rocket on a normal business day. Exciting things happen on rare occasions. After a long day at work people are usually not afraid to go take a shower or sleep alone in their bed. It gets people excited and gives them a feeling they cannot normally

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