7.It is my pride to report that, adjusting for the points I lost for turning in the paper late (and yes, he told me how many those were) I received a 96/100. Not too shabby, especially seeing as how he expressed opposition to the idea of moral bestiality before I wrote this. I must wonder if his opinion has changed
9.~Analyzing Bestiality~
11.Morality is something that one cannot take for granted. We grow up in a culture with certain mass assumptions, certain given taboos, and we accept them. But when one begins to question, when one learns that a certain taboo (such as homosexuality) is in fact a sound practice, it becomes necessary to examine more and more assumptions until you may evaluate a practice on its own grounds, not just the grounds that society has assigned to it.
13.Bestiality is the practice of having sex with a non-human animal- most commonly, horses and dogs. It is assumed that this practice is animal abuse, that it is an issue of power much like rape or pedophilia, that the humans who engage in it are psychologically unsound. This I have questioned.
15.Of course, when considering the ethicality of any