Food food food
All are here for food
All evolve from food
All act for food
All think about food.
All know no food
No existence.
Food come from rain
Rain ensues from sacrifice
Sacrifice rooted
In prescribed action
Prescribed action
Originate from knowledge
Knowledge proceed from you
You my dear not destructible.
So long as you are there
Food is there
You are all pervading
You are infinite
I the finite
Long for you
Through the food
Supplied to me
Only by you
And the food
Itself you. gajanan mishra
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Eatin Food
eatin food eatin food eatinf food eatin food to swallow sadnees eatin food to make happienes eatin food to satisfy eatin food instead of gettin high eatin food to be eatin food and thats why im eatin food.
Pablo Sanchez
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Food food absolutely appetising
Food food absolutely tantalising
The way it makes your stomach jump at its mention
The way it melts on your tongue when you go to taste it
The way the mouth waters at its mention or sighting
The uncontrollable breathing for some impatient people
As the food is prepared the intensity of its appeal
The race to the table to secure a seat at the buffet
The enjoyment as the food passes down the throat
With a nice cold drink to was it down with
How quickly everyone disappears at the sight of empty dirty dishes
Food food absolutely appetising
Food food absolutely tantalising
Fitzisaac Maliya
Meals are the food for the body;
Knowledge is the food for the mind;
Meditation is the food for the spirit;
Music is the food for the love of heart;
Dreams are the food for the consciousness;
Prayer is the food for the Almighty;
Love is the food for the living heart;
Thoughts are the food for the brain;
Colourful ink is the food for the pen;
Ideas are the food for the stories;
Truth is the food