Christy is the main character. He is a child living in Dublin, Ireland with his very large family. He is the 10th child of 22 children. Christy is a character of great intelligence but is not a character with a big sense of humour. Christy Brown is very conscious of his disability and this put him through a lot of pain. He is a character with few friends but has a lot of support from his family. He is usually alone and hidden, surrounded in his thoughts. Each chapter has a new main character like in the first chapter the main characters are his mother and himself but in another chapter, Christy will be joined by another main character, and the chapter will be based around them. His family are very important in this story. Their love for Christy at the start is very strong and throughout the book the love fades. Robert Collis is a main character because he helps Christy with his therapy to cure his disability and he also helps Christy with his book.
After this incredible day when Christy Brown snatches a piece of chalk from his brother’s hand and drew a letter ‘A’ on the ground, his life changed. With his mother's hope, Christy began to push his way through his disability and started to learn how to write with his left foot. With the help of his cart called ‘Henry’ and his brothers he was able to enjoy his childhood and he went on adventures in the open air. Then one day his cart broke and nothing could be done. From that day Christy started to become self-conscious and shut himself away. From this time his life became hard and full of sad emotions. His foot was his only hope and with this foot he wrote and painted. In his late adolescence he met Dr Robert Collis. Collis told Christy that he had a chance to attend a special clinic where he could start physiotherapy. This brought up his hopes and he began to start his autobiography. Throughout his life he had many amazing adventures like going to Lourdes in France where he realised he was not alone and he learnt about the world of disability.
This story is full of emotion and less description. There isn’t much dialogue in this story. Christy Brown always refers to himself in a horrible way and he is very mean to himself. This book is written is Standard English and is simple to read.
Christy Brown wrote only two books; My Left Foot and Down All The Days. The book did not win any award but the film did.
I think this book is amazing because it explains the suffering of a person with a disability and what they think of the world. It also shows that someone with a disability is able to do things, even write a book, and they think like us. I recommend this book to everyone over the age of 12. At some areas of the book I found it hard to relate to Christy because I couldn’t feel the pain he was going through. I thought the last scene of the last chapter had an incredible feeling. It had so much joy and happiness and I wish I had been there in real life to experience that magical moment in Christy’s life.
In this true story told through flashbacks, Christy Brown is born with crippling cerebral palsy into a poor, working-class Irish family. Able only to control movement in his left foot and to speak in guttural sounds, he is mistakenly believed to be retarded for the first ten years of his life. Later, through the help of his strong-willed mother, a dedicated teacher, and his own courage and determination, Christy not only learns to grapple with life's simple physical tasks and complex psychological pains, but he also develops into a brilliant painter, poet and author. Written by David Mullich <>
Plot Synopsis:
, he is mistakenly believed to be retarded for the first ten years of his life. Later, through the help of his strong-willed mother, a dedicated teacher, and his own courage and determination, Christy not only learns to grapple with life's simple physical tasks and complex psychological pains, but he also develops into a brilliant painter, poet and author. Written by David Mullich <>
Plot Synopsis: