Mrs. Ochoa
English 2b
As the years go by
There I was, just the age of six. My mom walked me to my first day of first grade. This was no kindergarten, that’s for sure. I was living in Seattle, Washington at the time. Our school started late that year because the teachers went on strike to get more money. Besides the late start, the only other event in first grade was we moved leaving all friends and family behind. To the lovely state of Idaho which is really boring compared to Seattle, Washington.
2nd grade arrived, still mad at my parents for making us move, we (my mom, dad, and two sisters) were living with my aunt and her family. That’s not the healthiest environment for a & year old to grow up in, two older cousins, and two older sisters. I was tortured. I had to listen to every bad word in the book all day long every day for a whole year. I guess that’s okay though because I think I turned out pretty good!
Remember how I said I lived with my aunt for one year, well we moved out to a tiny neighborhood called Charter Point (it is HUGE now and growing by the days). So, another new school, Pepper Ridge, was the name of my third grade school.
It is another school year longer making me a fourth grader, and Charter Point made a school of their own called Dessert Sage. Changing school so many times made me an expert at making good friends fast. I had my first girlfriend, my first kiss, and my first best friend (in Idaho).
Fifth grade came around, my girlfriend had just moved to Oregon to live with her dad, but I didn’t move, so no new school for me. Sweet I stayed in one school for two years that has to be some sort of record. I also had another new crush. However my newly best friend also had a crush on her. I didn’t think she had the same feelings for him as she did for me so I told him to ask her out and if she said no I would ask her to go out with me a few days later. That plan backfired on me real fast and it was so bad I felt terrible. He had asked her out and she said YES! How crazy is that? I told the girl about my crazy idea a few days later and she told that she told him yes because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
Middle school soon approached which made me a sixth grader, at Lake Hazel Middle School. In case you haven’t been doing the math that is five schools in six years that’s not too shabby. I was dating a new girl I really decided I didn’t like anymore so unfortunately I dumped her, sad right? Oh and on another note the only bad part about my first year of middle school were the nerves I felt to be a middle school-er.
My seventh grade rolled around and I was feeling pretty good, but school work wise it was a lot harder than sixth grade. Unfortunately I was bored every day and I didn’t like any of my teachers or my classes. I couldn’t wait to get out of the eighth grade and not have the same teachers as seventh grade.
It was my last year of middle school until I moved on to high school. The worst part about my year was that my least favorite teacher from the year before decided to teach eighth grade. Luckily for me she did a 360 and was really nice and caring and I did surprisingly well in her class.
That brings me to my first year of high school. Which I would describe as me being lazy, really wishing I wasn’t. High school is here for another three years so I have to adjust. I am having a good time being me and trying to keep my head above water. Hopefully I’ll find my groove in high school and the next half of my freshmen year flies by.