The introduction of new technologies has significantly affected the social lives of many. These changes, which reflect how people use technology to interact, provide an example of trends that you might examine in your Final Research Paper. For this discussion, identify a significant change that has occurred in the way people communicate and share information, and reflect on the impact this change has had on individuals and society in general today (local and global). Keep in mind that not all social trends affect all groups in society to the same degree. In addition, examine the influence of social media on an individual’s personal and professional pursuits.…
Over the past several decades, communication media have evolved significantly. In addition to communicating messages through books, newspapers, and magazines, we now have the ability to communicate through blogs, websites, and social media like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Now, more than ever, the average person is…
“social media has made us even more aware of the things we are missing out on.” Technology is something new to our lives it tell us a lot of information about families members and friends. Technology help us a lot it knows everything and it tell us everything. Technology has greater changing the way society communicates.…
The Way We Live Now: I Tweet, Therefore I Am This is a short story written by Peggy Orenstein, which begins as a reflection on an afternoon spent with her daughter when she realizes she can’t stay in the moment. She instead finds herself wanting to Tweet about it, this is a thought I have had on occasion, only for me it’s Facebook. This particular author unlike most of us can pinpoint the beginning of her addiction to Twitter it was to promote a book. For myself it was a long slippery slope, perhaps if you are like me it started with the game Candy Crush.…
Orenstein commences her article regarding a morning with her daughter and finds herself thinking about sharing the moment on Twitter. She is relatively “late to Twitter” nonetheless her publisher coerced…
Technology has advanced over the past decades, rapidly influencing today’s social culture. Social media is still developing into many different forms. Those forms can include Smartphone’s, computers, laptops, television, and tablets. Whichever the object is, it has also become a form of communication in many different ways. So much of people’s lives are impacted by social media, and there are many debates that whether or not it has a positive or negative effects on society.…
Daum takes the time to evaluate Twitter as if it were a person, stating that Twitter would be “an emotionally unstable person…that person we avoid at parties” (233). She goes further to add that Twitter will be the person we would view as mentally ill and will eventually feel sorry for. Her tone here towards Twitter is depicted as being fed up with users disclosed thoughts of one’s self. Daum examines these tweets as unstable and this is apparent because if you take away the whole purpose and backbone of Twitter, it is just mostly users microblogging their every move and thought. Looking at the bigger picture this is when “I don’t give a tweet what you’re doing” becomes notable. It is true that we all have that one friend that constantly rambles about something either random or irrelevant. My friend Bobby is that friend that mirrors Daum’s reflection of Twitter as a person. For instance, Bobby is always looking for attention and if no one is giving it to her she splats out something pointless just like most Twitter users do. I would rather not answer her phone calls because she can go on about herself and drift off upon pointless conversations becoming “the tragic oversharer” we would all like to…
Determined to find exactly what altered masks can do to an identity, an experiment involving 18 female college students and a clinical trainee was conducted. Gergen’s intentions were to “find the factors of an individual’s choice of mask and how outward appearances and inward feelings of personal identity affect masks” (172). The main source of such analysis was the students’ self-evaluations after answering questions regarding their background and about themselves. With the interviewer showing signs of approval or disapproval when answering, led to strong influencing of the young students’ image of themselves. If the student received a positive reaction from the interviewer, she gained confidence while when receiving a negative reaction, they slowly began to change some of their answers to evoke the positive feedback from the interviewer. The overall conclusion of the experiment was “that it was easy to modify the mask of identity, but it says little about underlying feelings” (173).…
Data aggregators are collecting personal information from websites. It is not only a name and a basic location, but what a person searches on the internet. Any action online has been tracked by these vultures, always scavenging for scraps of meat to fill their daily quotas. These bits and pieces of information become a second-self; “In essence, a second-self – a virtual interpretation of you – is being created from detritus of your life that exists on the web” (Andrews 710). As if this portrayal of the true self was not enough, social media makes a more psychological argument of the true self. Orenstein explains how the self is “becoming a brand”, something that is being advertised to others hoping for some people to buy into this persona (447). The problem is that this persona is also false. The self should be developed from within not developed by the likes and retweets received when interacting with social media (Orenstein 447). Orenstein even admits she has noticed at times when she has fallen to the need of updating a status, “As I loll in the front yard with Daisy [Orenstein’s daughter] or stand in line at the supermarket or read in bed, part of my consciousness splits off, viewing the scene from the outside and imagining how to distill it into a status update or a tweet” (448). This need to inform everybody online of what is happening at that moment by tweeting and posting pictures that are sure to be judged…
“I Tweet Therefore I Am” is an article explaining how twitter is changing everyone’s day to day life. In the overall essay Ms. Orenstein is taking irreplaceable moments of her life with her daughter that are priceless for granted, and instead of focusing her attention on these priceless, moments her conciseness slips away and thinks about the feed she will get back if she were to upsell this moment and make it viewable to the whole world via twitter. It has become such a major part of the lives of the people on twitter that they not only use it all day every day, they are basing their whole lives around it. Almost everybody that uses twitter has the same mind set towards it at first; “I won’t have an addiction to it; I’m just going to use it for fun and simple things.” “It isn’t going to take over my life; I’m just keeping in touch with family and friends.” Before they realize it, they are sucked in and it has become the overall most important aspect in their life. For Ms. Orenstein, a special moment with her child turns into an episode in the show of her life for her twitter followers to see. Maybe she is just trying to allow her family and friends on twitter to be a part of this magical moment, but most likely it is just to show them what a great mom she thinks she is (obviously she is not being a great mom by letting her mind fade away from the moment to post the event on twitter). In this section of the essay, section two, twitter has become her life. She is shaping herself to be more liked on twitter. She is putting on a show for the whole twitter world to see, because if she is liked on twitter she will feel better about herself. Her life is a stage and the performance she is putting out on twitter is what other people will see. She is trying to be more liked and have more followers. To do this she must “tweet” as much as she can for people to like her. Twitter is just a way to have more self-worth and popularity. She…
She claims that although social media provides endless potential for connection and allows for self-expression, it has also altered how people spend their time as well as how they display and construct their own identity. Reflecting on her the impact of her usage of Twitter, Orenstein questions, “when every thought is externalized, what becomes of insight? When we reflexively post each feeling, what becomes of reflection? When friends become fans, what happens to intimacy? The risk of the performance culture, of the packaged self, is that it erodes the very relationships it purports to create, and alienates us from our own humanity” (Orenstein, par. 7). Orenstein uses rhetorical questioning to allow her audience to take into account the irony that comes with the purpose of social media. The author claims that as one focuses on displaying oneself and getting more friends or likes online, social media often leads to losing “insight...reflection...intimacy” as the “performance culture erodes the very relationships it purports to create.” She uses oxymorons in her questioning to prove that with the use of social media, the true intention of promoting oneself becomes obsolete as she asserts that when “every thought is externalized,” insight is diminished, and when users “reflexively post each feeling” there is no reflection of oneself. When the goal of social media sites and apps is to be social and make “friends,” it often transform into an intent associated with the quantity instead of the quality of the relationship. As social creatures who develop relationships, building social media relationships sometimes “alienates us from our own humanity” because we tend to focus on displaying an image of…
Since anyone can post anything on social media, there is no way to validate any claims made. Users are free to portray their lives as they see fit, however realistic or fake that may be. This theme is supported by a quote from Peter Thiel that Silverman uses in his novel. The quote reads, “The Facebook investor has said that Myspace was ‘about being someone fake on the Internet; everyone could be a movie star’” (Silverman 9). In other words, anyone could pretend that they were living a lavish lifestyle, supporting Silverman’s underlying theme. A more exciting life will naturally attract more attention on social media than a “normal” life. This desire for attention is what drives users to stretch the truth when posting online, causing them to fabricate a false reality that is much less interesting than true reality. This false persona that users create to make their lives seem more interesting supports Silverman’s theme that social media has caused users to remain stuck in false realities.…
If you observe people in today society many people are influenced by the extreme grasp of social media. “Marketing, Media, and the First Amendment: What’s Best for Children?” written by Susan Linn, talks about how advertising plays an important part of directly advertising to children. William Deresiewicz the author of “Faux Friendship”, writes about how friendships have been becoming more centralized through social media instead of being centralized through person. Lastly “Subculture and Style” written by Dick Hebdige discusses how culture, such as the corruption of social media, ties into everyday life. Although all three authors Linn, Deresiewicz,…
Social technologies are affecting the way our world operates as they become more and more established and interconnected. Individuals are using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and a wide variety of other forms of social media to communicate, connect, and share. The way many communicate with their family, friends, employers, and strangers has changed as social media has as well. Individuals can have closer contacts with those who live far away and stay up to date with those who they many not see everyday. As well as individuals ability to communicate more than they ever have before, the way they do things is changed due to social media and mobile technologies. More specifically, social…
because Profile is like a mirror that reflects the real you , it is the overview of what you are. So you need…