Compare and Contrast
Early Tsunami Warning and Predictive Volcanic Eruption
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Due Date: 7 Nov 2013
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Table of Contents
Abstract·················· 1
1.0 Introduction··················1
2.0 Methodology··················1
3.0 Findings··················2
4.0 Discussion··················3
5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations··················4
References ··················5
Two advances were invented to prevent disasters. To prove early tsunami warning is more important to people than volcanic eruption forecasting, the information was collected from special websites. Then similarity and differences of two advances were determined. The advantages of two predictive mechanisms showed similar aspects in saving people and cutting losses; therefore contributions were analyzed. So the hypothesis was true that warning of tsunami is more valuable than volcanic eruption forecasting due to the higher number of victims, efficiency and accuracy.
In order to determine a more significant advance in warning of tsunami and volcanic eruption, the information about warning was researched. Early warning of tsunami is a new system which receives and calculates the data of oceanic quakes to determine tsunami. The predictive volcanic eruption is achieved through testing the tremors before emitting magma. Tsunami belong to oceanography, because of it is caused by a storm or undersea earthquake wave with noise phenomenon. However, volcano is belongs to geography, geomorphology, and volcanology. The famous Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 killed 230,000 people that from 14 countries (Tsunami Predicctions, Tsunami 2012, p. online), and 92,000 victims died due to the Mount Tambora volcanic eruption in 1815 (The Deadliest Volcanic Eruptions 2012, p.
References: Before the Explosion -- Volcano 's Warning Tremors Explained (2013), e! Science News [online]. Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov 2013] Larson,K., Poland,M&Miklius,A. (2013) Volcano monitoring using GPS: Developing data analysis strategies based on the June 2007 Kīlauea Volcano intrusion and eruption, American Geophysical Union [online]. Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov 2013] New system can warn of tsunamis within minutes (2013), e! Science News [online]. Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov 2013] Oscillating 'plug ' of magma causes tremors that forecast volcanic eruptions: UBC research (2013), e! Science News [online]. Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov 2013] The Deadliest Volcanic Eruptions (2013), Pearson Education [online]. Available at: [Accessed 11 Nov 2013]