Introduction to Wireless LANs
CWNA Exam Objectives Covered:
Identify the technology roles for which wireless LAN technology is an appropriate application:
Data access role Extension of existing networks into remote locations
Building-to-building connectivity
Last mile data delivery
Flexibility for mobile users
SOHO Use Mobile office, classroom, industrial, and healthcare
In This Chapter
The Wireless LAN
Applications of
Wireless LANs
2 Chapter 1 - Introduction to Wireless LANs
In this section, we will discuss the wireless LAN market, an overview of the past, present, and future of wireless LANs, and an introduction to the standards that govern wireless LANs. We will then discuss some of the appropriate applications of wireless LANs. In closing, we will introduce you to the various organizations that guide the evolution and development of wireless LANs.
The knowledge of the history and evolution of wireless LAN technology is an essential part of the foundational principles of wireless LANs. A thorough understanding of where wireless LANs came from and the organizations and applications that have helped the technology mature will enable you to better apply wireless LANs to your organization or your client’s needs.
The Wireless LAN Market
The market for wireless LANs seems to be evolving in a similar fashion to the networking industry as a whole, starting with the early adopters using whatever technology was available. The market has moved into a rapid growth stage, for which popular standards are providing the catalyst.
The big difference between the networking market as a whole and the wireless LAN market is the rate of growth. Wireless LANs allow so many flexibilities in their implementation that it's no wonder that they are outpacing every other market sector.
History of Wireless LANs
Spread spectrum wireless networks, like many technologies, came of age under the guidance of the