1. Be interested in the problem
2. Have a manageable scope
3. Be comfortable in terms of the knowledge, time, and resources needed to investigate the problem
4. Be able to collect and analyze numerical data
5. Must be a practical or theoretical reason for you to research the problem
6. It must be ethical for you to investigate the problem
Step 2- State a hypothesis How can we investigate (use the 4 requirements for a well-stated hypothesis) It must provide a reasonable explanation for the event that has or will occur. It must be consistent with prior research or observations. It must be stated clearly and concisely. It must be testable via the collection and analysis of data. Is it Directional (greater than or less than) or Non-directional (a difference)? It is a Research/Alternate (Based on prior research or observation) or Null (opposite of the research hypothesis) hypothesis? Must include the word Significant There will be a significant change- Research There will not be a significant change- Null
Step 3- Identify the Independent Variable (the CAUSE)- Nouns Non-manipulated or quasi-independent variables (occurs naturally)/Manipulated or experimental independent variables (researcher changes the variables) Levels or values being used (day time vs. night time etc)
Step 4- Identify and Describe the Dependent Variable (the EFFECT)- verbs or difference in___ Measures academic achievement, sales, GPA, Weight, height, income or any other type of data Data Nominal Data- categorical or discrete (gender, ethnicity, college class, political party etc.) Ordinal Data-rank data (GPA, test scores, greatest to least numbers) differences that are relative to each other
Quantitative or Continuous data Interval Data- data values can fall anywhere in a numerical range (test scores,