Since the dawn of civilization there have been many arguments for the existence of God. Surprisingly, the vast majority of these arguments fall into the ten or so categories below. Not much has changed in the last 300+ years in terms of new claims or evidence. The same core arguments turn up again and again, often dressed in new clothes (such as "Intelligent Design" or invoking bits and pieces of "Quantum Theory" but they're still the same arguments). How familiar are you with these?
Here are the most popular arguments for the existence of God, along with our critique. You may also notice that many of these arguments are, in themselves, classic examples of logical fallacies.
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Before we get to the Top 10, let's take a look at one argument which is fundamental to them all. This is the Argument from ignorance. It would easily take the #1 spot, but it's important to list this first because all other arguments depend upon this useful presuppositional tool.
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Take virtually any aspect of our natural world that we don't fully understand (or that both the theist and his audience are not well-informed on), and you'll find a someone claiming God is at the end of that dimly-lit tunnel. Why is there cancer? What causes HIV? Why do people die? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why did that tsunami wreck Indonesia? How did the Red Sox win the World Series? It's God's will. What is the meaning of life? To serve God. Why should we act morally? Because God says so. How did so-and-so survive that horrible accident unscathed? It was a miracle. How did life