“Some days I can see me and Biggie out there as old codgers, anchored to the friggin’ place, stuck forever” – Narrator.
The narrator is immensely disturbed by his exam results, as is his mother. He feels as though he is disappearing. Much like Coral who feels she is disappearing as a result of her son’s death. Like Meg the narrator wishes to have more freedom and escape his troubled family life.
“Missing out on uni really stings. When the results came I cried my eyes out. I thought about killing myself” – Narrator.
Similar to the narrator Coral also faces the obstacle of depression. They both feel like they need to breakaway and begin a new journey that doesn’t involve the pressures of everyday life. He begins to focus on his dream and the goal of having better life experiences. The narrator is extremely excited by the prospect of change. “I can’t believe we’ve done it... it’s a mad feeling.” – Narrator.
The narrator has overcome the challenge of depression which as a result of this tough journey has made him a stronger