|0=Unsatisfactory|1=Needs Improvement|2=Satisfactory|
Articulation of Response (clarity, organization, mechanics)|The handbook demonstrates unsatisfactory articulation of response.|The handbook demonstrates weak articulation of response.|The handbook demonstrates adequate articulation of response.|
Score:2|Comments:Overall, each idea is expressed thoroughly with sufficient detail to support the concept. There is a good use of references to strengthen each concept and sporadic graphics or imagines to help add to the written materials without becoming excessive. Each writer kept their unique style without getting off direction. The handbook is fairly direct and each section conveyed clear ideas with concise support. |
Cohesiveness (consistent look and feel)|The handbook is not cohesive.|The handbook has cohesive elements but is not consistent overall.|The handbook is cohesive and has a consistent look and feel.|
Score:2|Comments:The handbook does reflect some personalization, but the overall feel is cohesive. Each section is clearly identified with a cohesive heading and uses an overall bolding outline with a few bullets in some sections. However, the feel is still consistent and easy to read through. | Overall Presentation (visual elements, report format)|The overall presentation of the handbook is not satisfactory and does not include visual elements or a report format.|The handbook presentation is satisfactory for some of the sections but not for the entire handbook.|The handbook provides an effective overall presentation with visual elements and all articles are in report format.|
Score:1|Comments:Each section uses some visual aids to break up the concepts and add visual interest. However, more of the sections could have used finesse in the selection of or addition of visual interest to make the handbook more appealing. For example, the chapters titled “Moral Leadership and Ethics, Leading