1.When Malcolm faced the frustration of not being able to express what he wanted in letters especially those to Mr. Elijah Muhammad. He begun his studies in the prison were Bimbi his fellow prisoner would lead in conversations because of his knowledge and vast vocabulary. Since Malcolm couldn’t understand the meanings of the words when he was reading the books he learned that he has to study them from a dictionary and also he wanted to improve his penmanship. When he realized that studying using a dictionary was a very powerful tool he got motivate to further use method of copying in writing the content of the dictionary along with memorizing the new words. As a result he was able to read and understand any book.
2.He started his education from the teachings of Mr. Muhummad about the history that was “whitened” and had no place for black man. Since then Malcolm was eager to learn more about the history of a black man. He learned that collective white man brought nothing but disadvantages to Black people and people of color in general. Mr. Muhumman teaching taught him that all races came from Negroes and Whites are just “bleached ‘ Black’s so Blacks are actually a superior nation. The knowledge and a believe in this knowledge has both freed and empowered him. He became independent by the ability to gather and process the information and to apply that knowledge for the good of Black people. The reading changed the direction of what he wanted to do in life and made him “mentally alive.”
3. If public schools find the way to motivate students and make them crave the information the students will study the subjects that they are interested in with effortless ease. On my opinion introducing students to the purpose of learning a certain topic will set up their mind to want to find out more information about it and understand it in order to use this information in life.
4.I think the he is taking one sided uncompromised position about Whites. He is generalizing the