Can Good Produce Evil?
Introduction Media and Terrorism which play the vital role all over the world, are the top-most headlines to be discussed at present. So first of all, I have defined both terms and then I have tried to explain their relationship and the role of Media towards Terrorism.
What is Media? Communication is one of the most important features of life. A baby cries to communicate its hunger. But it is not just a one-way process. When the mother hears her baby crying she tries to make out whether it is because of its hunger or because it is suffering from some other discomfort. She administers to the baby in accordance with her interpretation of the cry that it is communicating. So communication is a two-way process where the response is part of the process. That we define as Medium. When the medium carries messages to a large number of people through technology like Newspapers, Radio, Television, Internet etc. then it becomes a mass medium and so we call it Media.
What is Terrorism? The FBI defines as, "Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." Within this definition three elements are focused such as violence, fear and intimidation and each element produces terror in its victims. It is also to be noted that there are three perspectives of terrorism and they are terrorists, the victims, and the general public. So terrorism is a criminal act that influences an audience beyond the immediate victim.
Media and Terrorism The Media plays an important role in the lives of the people. Some people believe that Media precedes the spread of ideas. The Media can spin and color stories to suit their agenda. They can rile up the public over certain issues or hide vital information. The Media is used also for the