Write out why you want to study Healthcare Administration, including a discussion of whyat you want to get out of the classes offered through the Masters in Healthcare Administration at your intended college.This will help you see for yourself on a very basic level your career goals and why are you seeking this field through a Masters program.
Write out why you are choosing to apply to XYZ school, including what sparked your interest to apply to this school such as their classes, program or teachers and how it relates your future goals.
Write about yourself, including your educational background and accomplishments, as well as life and work experiences and how that has prepared you for this program.
Write out your goals and objectives for what you plan to do with your Masters in Healthcare Administration degree. This can include a discussion of what type of job you are seeking to what you are interested in doing on a broader level such as travel and work for a healthcare company abroad. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it is truthful and relates your degree to your future.
Re-read your list and break these points down into two-three pages (check with college for their individual requirements) where you tell a story using these paragraphs. It is a good idea to relate your accomplishments and goals into what peaks your interests on an intellectual