Q1. What is a IT Infrastructure (5 points)? : provides platform for supporting all information systems in the business (page 117) List and explain (1-2 sentences) the five infrastructure components (17 points). IT Infrastruture: consist of the shared information technology resoures that provide the platform for the firm’s specific information system applications.
Computer hardware- consistes of technology for computer processing , data storage, input, and output
Computer software- manages the resources and activities of the computer.
Data management technology- Organizes, manages, and processes business data concerned with inventory, customers, and vendors
Networking and telecommunications technology- provides data, voice, and video connectivity to employees, customers and suppliers
Technology services - consultants for systems integration with legacy systems
Q2. Give short explanations (1-2 sentences) of any 4 of the following (4.5 points each). Give Examples under each (1 point):
a. Web Services (pg 138)- Software components that exchange information with one another using universal Web communication standards and languages
b. Open Source Software (Pg 140)- provides all computer users with free acess to its program code.
c. Autonomic Computing (pg 127)- Development of systems that can configure themselves, heal themselves; e.g., self-updating antivirus software
d. Cloud Computing (pg 125)- A model of computing in which firms and individuals obtain computing resources over the Internet
e. Capacity Planning & Scalability(Pg 142)- Process of predicting when hardware system becomes saturated; e.g., self-updating antivirus software. Scalability- ability of system to expand to serve large number of users without breaking down
f. On-Demand Computing (pg 126)- being charged of computing by its use similar to prepaid phones.
g. Mashups and Widgets (pg 141)- Composite software applications that depend on high-speed