Nikki Cox
April 1, 2013
Ms. Beth Carls
Throughout this paper marketing will be defined and discussed using a personal definition and at least two others from two different resources. Based on these definitions, an explanation of the importance of marketing in success of an organization will follow. Next, there will be three examples from the business world to support the explanations. Finally, how the businesses used marketing for success will be discussed followed by a conclusion.
The best way to personally define marketing would be a segment that is significant of the business world and is greater than supporting and selling a product. Marketing is also fulfilling the different demands of consumers.
According to the Business Dictionary, “Marketing is the center of a business in times of their consumer’s demands and their fulfillments. Marketing is an insight or outlook of the complete business process as composing of a closely combined attempt to reveal, produce, provoke, and please consumer’s needs” (Para 2).
“Marketing is skills and knowledge where steady pressure is found amongst the creative aspect. At marketing’s core, it recognizes and meets individual and public needs. It includes both a given process, which attempts to recognize consumer’s demands along with a social method of bringing about a relationship with consumers to purchase their products. This relationship is important to the long-term achievements for a company and a critical part of the marketing process” (Kotler & Keller, 2006).
Importance of Marketing
According to DyPen (2008), “As of today businesses have a better understanding that marketing have a significant role in their overall success. As a result, businesses have Chief Marketing Officer (CMOs) along with CFOs and CEOs. They acknowledge that there are functions close to consumers like sales and marketing (Para, 3).
The fiscal success for a specific product, service, or