A. Preoccupation with fears of contracting, or the idea that one has a serious disease based on misinterpretation of bodily symptoms
B. Preoccupation persists despite appropriate medical evaluation and reassurance
C. Preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment
D. Duration at least 6 months
Criteria for Somatization Disorder
A. History of many physical complaints starting before age 30 that occur over several years and result in treatment being sought, or significant impairment in functioning
B. Each of the following criteria must have been met at some time during the disturbance:
a. Four pain symptoms in different sites
b. Two gastrointestinal symptoms other than pain
c. One sexual symptom
d. One pseudo-neurological symptom
C. Either (a) or (b):
a. After appropriate investigation, each of the symptoms under criterion B cannot be fully explained by a medical condition
b. When there is a related general medical condition, the physical complaints are in excess of what would be expected
D. Symptoms are not intentionally produced or feigned
Criteria for Pain Disorder
A. Pain in one or more sites as primary focus of clinical presentation
B. Pain causes significant distress or impairment in functioning
C. Psychological factors judged to have an important role in the pain
D. Symptom or deficit is not intentionally produced or feigned
Criteria for Conversion Disorder
A. One or more symptoms affecting voluntary motor or sensory function that suggest a neurological or other medical condition
B. Psychological factors judged to be associated with the symptoms because they were preceded by conflicts or other stressors
C. Symptom or deficit is not intentionally produced or feigned
D. Symptom or deficit cannot be fully explained by a general medical condition
E. Symptom or deficit causes distress or impairment in functioning
Criteria for Factitious Disorder
A. Intentional production or