Estimating the sum of money which, when paid in installments, will produce the same income as the person would have earned, after deducting assumed amounts for taxes and personal maintenance expenses. Using a multiple of earnings adjusted for occupation.
2. (TCO D) Mike had a $100,000 whole life insurance policy with a $10,000 loan outstanding when he died. The policy had a $20,000 cash value prior to the loan. How much will his beneficiary receive following Mike's death? (Points : 4) $120,000 $110,000 $100,000 xx $90,000 $30,000
3. (TCO D) If your employment is terminated, COBRA provides for: (Points : 4) Cancellation of all group insurance benefits. Continuation of group insurance benefits until you are reemployed. Permanent continuation of group health insurance. x Temporary continuation of group insurance benefits; you pay premiums.
Temporary continuation of group insurance benefits; employer pays premiums.
4. (TCO D) Which of the following best describes a "pre-existing condition"? (Points : 4) An exclusion. Cancer, heart condition or other serious diseases. An injury that results from an accident. Something not covered by the insurance policy. x A medical condition for which one has previously been treated.
5. (TCO D) The right of ______ gives the insurance company the right to recover its costs from the