Step 2: File System Navigation
2: Display a long listing of the ⁄etc directory. Enter ls -l ⁄etc. Verify that the output is from the ⁄etc directory and is a long list.
What type of files may you find in this directory? Write your answer below.
Various configuration files for the system
3: Display a long listing of the ⁄bin directory.
Enter ls -l ⁄bin. Verify that the output is from the ⁄bin directory and is a long list.
What type of files may you find in this directory? Write your answer below.
These are the system binary files that the system needs to run for all users
4: Display a long listing of the ⁄sbin directory.
Enter ls -l ⁄sbin. Verify that the output is from the ⁄sbin directory and is a long list.
What type of files may you find in this directory? Write your answer below.
These are binaries like in /bin but they are system administration binaries
5: Display a long listing of the ⁄dev directory.
Enter ls -l ⁄dev. Verify that the output is from the ⁄dev directory and is a long list.
What type of files may you find in this directory? Write your answer below.
These are device driver files or device files needed for the system
What is this directory use for? Write your answer below.
Store information about system peripheral devices like hard drives and floppy drives
6: Display a long listing of the ⁄usr directory.
Enter ls -l ⁄usr. Verify that the output is from the ⁄usr directory and is a long list.
What type of files may you find in this directory? Write your answer below.
These are user applications files
7: Display a long listing of the ⁄home directory.
Enter ls -l ⁄home. Verify that the output is from the ⁄home directory and is a long list.
What type of files