This clearly shows how the fact of Kathy being a Hailsham student is enough and can make others see her completely different than a normal clone, other donors are from other places and haven’t had a nice experience like she has and the other donors see her as more special and want to hear about her experience of Hailsham ‘remember Hailsham, like it was had been his own childhood’. The word Hailsham had such power and could change the lives of others as it was such an honoured place for clones.
This also means that she can choose her own donors because she is from the school of Hailsham and she picks other people from the ‘privileged estates’. When she doesn’t pick the children from these places, they are shocked by the fact she was from Hailsham, ‘Hailsham. I bet that was a beautiful place’
‘Privileged estates’ pg 4
‘Hailsham. I bet that was a beautiful place’ pg 5
2. ‘Ruth looked at her watch and said even though we still had time, we should get back to the main house, nobody argued.’ Kathy Pg 10
This shows the superiority of Ruth and how she was the leader of the girl’s group in their year, she was the one that makes the decisions for the groups and they follow her and every decision she makes. Every time Ruth would say something about Tommy, ‘the idiot’ and ‘mad animal’ and this was hateful towards him but no one says anything back to her and Ruth would never say this to Tommy’s face which shows she is dominant only in one group and to her own people. However ruth was not the most dominant out of all
‘The idiot’ pg 7
‘Mad animal’ pg 12
3.‘I don’t know how it was where you were, but at Hailsham we had to have some form of medical almost every week.’ Kathy Pg 13
This portrays how Kathy is talking to the audience and infers that the reader is also a clone and this is said numerous amount of times throughout the text. Kazuo makes Kathy talk to the audience like