Telegraphing – also knows as “advertising” pointing fingers” - deadline, appointment
Dangling cause – also “known as elements of the future,” prediction – “I’m going to raise $$”, warning. Dialogue hook. Statements about future, have to do certain things (cause and effect).
Dramatic tension – (Sophocles)
Ironic tension –the audience knows more than one of more character (dramatic or comedic) Moment of relation, moment of recognition
“Quid pro quo” scene - set up something, miscommunication later
Three acts: pose main dramatic question, deliberate on the question. Resolve/answer. Tension in middle is what makes us feel like it’s one movie, opposed to little separate
Tell them what you’re going to do – do it – tell them what you’ve done
How a screenplay works – “making the audience want to know what happens next” E.M. Forster
Inciting incident – point of attack, “the point, plainly declares itself. “
***Always remember, a story is strongest when protagonist doesn’t know what story’s about.
Purpose of First Act – establish who, what, where, conditions.
Exposition - backstory
Preparation – creating hope or fear for audience. Punctuating.
Motifs – prop, line of dialogue, planted, then paid of later. Characters usually aren’t motifs
- As related to character arc – progression of character over course of it. Learning.
- Want versus Need * What the character is aware of * What the character becomes aware of
Hope vs. fear = power of uncertainty
The acts: act 1, who, what, when, where, under what condition. Whose story? What does she want? What are the obstacles?
Things to consider:
Schema – the idea that our experience goes into our understanding of the film → i.e. blind person who gets sight back but doesn’t understand curbs.
Different methods to formulate, “save the cat, “ “hero’s journey” becomes very boring, and unoriginal
“Good story well told” – David Howard (Tool’s of Screenwriting)