The Great Depression
-The Great Depression
- Many European States hoped to return to Market Economy.
-Reparation and war debts had damaged the postwar international economy.
-The prosperity between 1924-1929 was very fragile.
-The thought of returning to a self-regulating economy was merely an illusion.
-The Great Depression was what killed the concept of returning to a self-regulating economy.
-There was 2 factors that played a role in the coming of the Great Depression: A downturn in domestic economies and an international finical crisis created by the collapse of the American Stock Market in 1929.
-Agricultural goods where beginning to decline to the fact of overproduction.
-In 1925 states in central and Eastern Europe began to put high tariffs to close their markets to other countries goods.
- Between 1924-1929 The European Prosperity had been built on American Loans.
-3 Million marks had been invested in Germany since 1924.
-Already in 1928 & 1929 American Investors began to pull money out of Germany to invest pin the stock market.
-The stock market crash in 1929 caused investors to pull even more money out of Germany.
-The Credit-Anstalt, Vienna's main bank crashed May 31, 1931.
-The Worst years of the Great Depression in Britain was in 1932 1 in ever 4 was employed and 40% of the German force were out of work.
-Between 1929-1932 Unemployment was down 50% in USA and Germany.
-Many women where able to get low serving jobs while men remained unemployed.
-All the normal 'cures' for a liberal depression where only making the 'sickness' worse.
-By 1930 democracy was on the defensive side everywhere.
- The Marx Theory concluded the economy would destroy itself by overproduction.
The Democratic States
-After World War 1 Great Britain went through many economic harsdhips.
-During the War had lost many of the markets for its industrial products.
-The post war declining of staple industries had led to 2