Pakistan is the most misjudged and misrepresented country in the media. As the media affects such a wide audience, it changes people perception toward foreign communities and eventually effect relationships between nations and also creates political discourses. People are very judgemental, when the word Pakistan comes up, usually terrorism is the first thing that pops up in everyone's mind. Pakistan has sacrificed thousands of lives in the form of both soldiers and civilians in the war against terrorism. It is going through a critical period, suicide bombs are now common in Pakistan, where as they were unheard prior to the 9/11. Pakistan has arrested over 500 Al-Qaeda members and handed them over to USA, since 2001. But still in media, it is represented as if every citizen of Pakistan is a terrorist. I know that there are some extreme terrorist groups in Pakistan, but they are just a very small percentage of the population, and how is it fair to represent the whole Pakistan, based on these few groups. All the other people of Pakistan, which is majority, are just like any other people, anywhere else in the world. They are also against terrorism, they also go to school, participate in sports and other entertainment activities, and live a life like any other individual in other parts of the world. Pakistan has been propagated by popular media, they only show you one face of Pakistan, but we cannot base our assumptions just on what media is providing us. Pakistan is the sixth largest nation of the world. It is a beautiful land of Sufi Saints, brave, hardworking, kind-hearted people, classical poets, writers and rich history. It has one of the oldest great Indus civilization. it holds four of the world's highest peaks. It has the second largest salt mines in the world and also has the world's largest deep sea. Pakistan has so many other beautiful places and resides so many great people, which the media totally ignores.