Personal Responsibility and College Success Even though personal responsibility varies from person to person, if the student holds themselves accountable for their actions they are more likely to move toward their college goals because by using time management strategies, planning, and goal setting the student is ensuring their college success and if he/she chooses to shift blame they are only moving farther away from his/her goals. Personal responsibility to me is just taking care of personal business, by this I mean saying what you mean, do what you say and always be accountable for your actions or words. To be a successful college student you must have an internal locus of control and practicing personal responsibility by holding herself accountable for their actions. The researchers studies have indicated that students with poor study skills have lower academic achievement than those with good study skills (Hilawani and Sartawi 1997; Blustein et al., 1986). According to Findley and Cooper (1983) when the studies were reviewed it concluded that positive locus of control and academic achievements are significantly and positively. They must also identify their educational goals, and use time management strategies effectively. Kalechstein and Nowicki (1997) concluded that locus of control predicted significant differences in academic achievement with an internal locus of control significantly and positively related to academic success. Sisney et al., (2000) reported that locus of control has been associated with school success since the 1966 Coleman Report on
Personal Responsibility and College Success Even though personal responsibility varies from person to person, if the student holds themselves accountable for their actions they are more likely to move toward their college goals because by using time management strategies, planning, and goal setting the student is ensuring their college success and if he/she chooses to shift blame they are only moving farther away from his/her goals. Personal responsibility to me is just taking care of personal business, by this I mean saying what you mean, do what you say and always be accountable for your actions or words. To be a successful college student you must have an internal locus of control and practicing personal responsibility by holding herself accountable for their actions. The researchers studies have indicated that students with poor study skills have lower academic achievement than those with good study skills (Hilawani and Sartawi 1997; Blustein et al., 1986). According to Findley and Cooper (1983) when the studies were reviewed it concluded that positive locus of control and academic achievements are significantly and positively. They must also identify their educational goals, and use time management strategies effectively. Kalechstein and Nowicki (1997) concluded that locus of control predicted significant differences in academic achievement with an internal locus of control significantly and positively related to academic success. Sisney et al., (2000) reported that locus of control has been associated with school success since the 1966 Coleman Report on