Do you agree with professorial athletes’ salaries? I think professional athletes’ are paid
way too much money. Well, that’s just my opinion on this topic. If you don’t agree with me
then tell me why you do not agree with me. If you agree with me, I still want you to tell me why
you think that I am right.
Most athletes who play professional sports are not required to do much to earn the large
amount of money that they make each year. Most athletes get paid tens of millions of dollars and
they do not even play the entire season. In a sport such as baseball you have to be able to hit a
ball, throw a ball, and to catch a ball. While some athletes are injured during the season, they still
earn millions of dollars to do nothing but sit on the side lines. Some athletes do not even play a
snap the entire season and still get paid millions of dollars. A possible objection could be an
athlete’s salary is based on their position and year round performance. It is still unfair when you
have an injured athlete making millions compared to a police officer who works hard to only
make a little above minimum wage.
How can you think athletes’ salaries are fair when compared to salaries of fire fighters
and police officers who risking their lives for us every day? Top athletes make tens of millions
while fire fighters risk their lives to go in a burning building to save someone else’s life. Even
our soldiers get paid less than third string athletes who make hundreds of thousands of dollars
and barely play at all. While most athletes are injured and still get paid millions, people who
serve the community and risk their lives for others get paid very little in comparison. A possible
objection would be that athletes chose their careers just like everyone else. A police officer could
have been a business man or a professional athlete. It was