Peter Skrzynecki’s St Patrick’s College, a semi-autobiographical poem explores the idea of negative interactions within a class dynamic resulting in a poor sense of belonging. St patricks college conveys a reflective and lethargic tone in which the persona describes his negative experiences of social segregation throughout his schooling years as being tedious and not “for the best”. The lack of belonging is emphasized metaphorically in the persona’s description of his schooling experience as being one of “darkness”, the technique of irony is evident as the school’s motto, ‘Luceat Lux Vestra” latin for ‘Let your light shine’ acts as a contrasting device as the schools mission is to allow students to evolve and shine, however the persona communicates a school life of darkness where he faced troubling emotions of insecurity and isolation. This further reinforces the concept that the personas lack of interaction with those around him, specifically with his school environment resulted in a negative sense of belonging.
The second stanza