Aristotle Principles / Theories / propositions
> Principle of non- indefinite Regression everything has an end (Teleoloqy)
> Nemo dat quod non habet nobody can give what it does not possess
> nature is never frustrated intellect is destined to know
> tota anima in toto corpore the whole soul is in the whole body
> ex entre non fit ens nothing becomes what is already is
> the effect cannot be greater than the cause
> nothing is in the intellect which does not pass through the senses
> the separated soul can no longer use abstract concepts to remember or to reason
Midieval Philosophy
> The problem on which philosophy became stranded - (the existence and nature of God and his relationship with the world.)
> The spirituality and immortality of the soul, the notion of the obligation and of moral sanction - are given clear responses in Christian revelation.
> The problems of reconciling these two sources arouse (faith and reason).
Some of these men are:
1. St. Augustine
> he wrote about 232 books in which are contained Philosophical definitions which testify to the depth and universality of his genius.
> his philosophy are more or less adhered to that of Plato which, to him, seemed the most suitable for Christianity.
> Fundamental Principles
The Divine Truth is the unique and perfect cost which is immediately explicative of all beings in its different modalities of nature and of action.
Augustine establishes the existence of God, the source of all truth, through philosophical truths.
2. St Anselm and Peter Abelard
For St. Anselm:
Famous Formula: "Credo ut intellicam: I believe that I may have a full understanding."
God means the most perfect being that can be thought of. Therefore, God must exist, otherwise he would not be the most perfect conceivable being.
For Peter Abelard:
Abelard was a brilliant master of dialectics and ethics. He stress fully the value of human reason in