Case 2: Kongstrup Machine Factory
(page 174-180 of book “Organizational Theory and Design” by R.L. Daft, 2nd EMEA ed.)
Weight: 30% of Assessment part (TOETS 2 30%) of Business Administration MPEN-BA-
Learning goal:
• Describe the different strategic approaches in decision making process.
• Apply the various concepts involved in international business.
• Comment on the design of an organization engaged in international business.
Assignment: Read the case careful first. You have to answer the following questions:
1. List the challenges facing Kongstrup after the collapse of the alliance with MB.
How could they have prepared better for the break-up?
2. It is unusual in many organizations for top management to allow employees significant input into their strategy, as Kongstrup did. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an open approach to decision-making?
3. Describe the environmental uncertainty for Kongstrup. How should they interact with and control their external environment?
4. Make a new organizational structure for Kongstrup, based on their current situation and that builds further on their strengths while it prepares them for international expansion.
You need to apply the concepts and theories from the book of Chapter 1 to 5 in order to answer the questions properly. You can use other sources if needed. Make sure you use proper referencing. Use the BA assignment cover page (on SharePoint site). Use in MS
Word Arial 10, single line spacing, normal margin setting, page numbers, and footnotes for references.
Hand in: You have to hand in a printed Word document of 1000-1500(max.) words, about 2-3 A4 pages (excl. cover page). The deadline is the start of the feedback session of 5.1 class. Handing in after the deadline means failing this assignment (Make sure you have your printed copy ready before the start of the class).
Criteria: There should be a