Starting in the years 1801-1817 there was a separation in the United States. The Federalists and Dem-Rep parties were basically opposites of each other. The Republicans were usually seen as strict constructionists, who opposed the broad constructionism of both Jefferson and Madison who were Federalists. In both, Jefferson’s and Madison’s presidencies they highlighted Federalists ideals in their decisions, including Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana territory.…
Federalists were firm believers in the production of a strong central government and a broad interpretation of the Constitution. However, the Democratic Republicans believed that the government should follow a strict interpretation of the Constitution and held the idea that this would allow honest representation of the people and prevent government corruption.…
With respect to the federal Constitution, the Democratic-Republicans were usually characterized as strict constructionists who were opposed to the broad constructionism of the Federalists. As history dictates, this is substantially accurate. In the time frame of 1801-1817, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the Republican presidents of the time, demonstrated the differences of the Republican Party in several aspects involving the interpretation of the Constitution. The Democratic-Republicans believed that the government should follow a strict interpretation of the Constitution and held the idea that this would allow honest representation of the people and prevent government corruption. However, the Federalists were firm believers in the production of a strong central government and a broad interpretation of the Constitution.…
Throughout the 1800's, Jeffersonian Republicans thought that the federal government’s power was confined to the grants of the Constitution. On the other hand, the Federalists believed in the broad construction that gave the government any power that was not forbidden by the constitution. Despite the fact that the Jeffersonian Republicans believe in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, and Federalists believe in a loose interpretation, these beliefs were misrepresented according to the party’s views on the authority of the government during the presidencies of Jefferson and Madison. During this time, the Jeffersonian Republicans beliefs were inverted with the beliefs of the Federalists. The Jeffersonian Republicans leaned toward a loose interpretation and the Federalists leaned toward a strict one.…
During the early formative years of our nation, George Washington and John Adams both opposed any development towards splitting politics into two divisions. The two early leaders thought of it to be very unconstitutional, stating that Americans need to set aside their differences and remain unified. However, the rapidly growing interests of north and south, rich and poor, and industry and agriculture were all tossed around until two major political groups were finally formed.…
With many different views on how to run the government, it was hard to depict which parties’ group would be the strongest and the best fit to control the country: the Federalists’ or the Democratic-Republicans. The Federalists’ wanted a very strong government to bring together the bickering states. On the other hand, the Democratic-Republicans pictured more independent state governments to rule the people. Although they didn’t agree on many things they did have one idea in common, such as, both parties wanted to follow the Constitution, but in different ways.…
Through the development and drafting of the constitution, two political parties were born. One labeled as strict constructionists, the Jeffersonian Republicans, and the other labeled as broad constructionists, the Federalists. The Democratic-Republicans such as Thomas Jefferson, were first labeled as anti-federalists and believed the states should have the most power in the government and most vowed not to sign the constitution without the addition of a Bill of Rights. They believed that if a power was not specifically stated in the constitution, then it could not be acted upon. The Federalists such as Alexander Hamilton, believed that they could exercise whichever powers on the basis that, even if a power was not physically stated, it could be interpreted from the specified powers. During the presidencies of Washington and Adams these characterizations of the two parties remained evident, but during the presidencies of Republicans, such as Jefferson and Madison, the line between strict and broad constructionism became a little more unclear. After the election of 1800 both the Federalist and Democratic-Republican party began to back down on their views of constructionism when faced with the task of deciding what would benefit the nation most.…
The Federalists believed that a strong central government was needed because of the cruel remarks that were made against America in European courts. (Doc. 1) These remarks led the…
The federalist were mainly where the person that supported the constitution and was ready to approve it. Imagine living in Florida where it’s a very hot state, with a beautiful beach and many people with unique diversity. The kids running around the park without a care in the world. When you get home from a long day at work and you sit down on your favorite coach waiting for the Golden State Warriors game to come on. You see your friend telling you the warriors might lose against the Washington Wizards. In your head, you know very well this might not be true. Since you like Golden state is your favorite team and it like your home so you felt you should always stay loyal to it or even protect. Well, the Federalist feel closer to their home…
After the American Revolutionary war, the budding country was deeply in debt. People had different ideas on how to pay off this debt, later leading to the formation of political parties. The Federalist Party was formed and they believed that it was in the new country’s best interest to have a strong centralized…
On the heels of the revolutionary war and the failed attempt of a national government (The Articles of Confederation), the leaders of the United States set to make a stronger, centralized government, with dual sovereignty between the national government and the states. The rules of this governing body would be laid out in a document called the Constitution. Although most leaders supported the constitution they did not agree on many aspects of it. Out of the disagreement two groups emerged, the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist. The Federalist supported all aspects of the constitution and a larger national government, while the Anti-Federalist opposed ratifying the constitution and supported a smaller national government and more sovereignty to the states. This disagreement led to a fierce debate between the two groups that still resonates today. This essay will examine the primary…
For example, the Federalists were going for the Constitution and they wanted a centralized government. They believed in the Bill of Rights and have two representative from each state. In addition to that, they wanted Congress to have the power over tax and to be able to regulate trade. They wanted the separation of powers into three independent branches protected the rights of people and each branch represented a different part of the people, so all three branches were equal, then there were not specific group could assume control over another group. The Federalists wanted to ratify the Constitution. James Madison argued that, “A dependent on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions” (Scott 112). For the Anti-Federalists, they were going for the Articles of Confederation and they wanted State's Right. They believed that an all power government is abstruse, or difficult to understand. Also, they believed that having a president in a central government would ended up with the people seeing the president as a king. They did not want to ratify the Constitution. When it came to voting, they wanted each state to act as a whole, and have one vote for each state. James Winthrop argued that “To promote the happiness of the people it is necessary that there should be local laws; and it is…
They have the same goal in mind of how to make this country better, but have totally two different ways to approach the matter. The Anti-Federalists want the states to be in control. They believe that strong central government would threaten the people liberty and freedom. Their ideal government is the states and its people to be in charge, and the reason why is mainly because they do not want to have the same system of government like England. But, for the Federalists, they want to have a strong central government. The Federalists argued that, if the states were to have control, the country would be teared apart. On the Federalist #10 written by James Madison, he wrote that “There are again two methods of removing the causes of faction: the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests.” The Federalists were afraid that by having too group of individuals with power, it can cause chaos by everyone have a voice and their interests. The Federalists wants a strong central government, so it can represent the people interest. Also, the Federalists think that with the check and balance system, the people freedom and liberty would be protected. According to the Federalist No. 51, it says “In order to lay a due foundation for that separate and distinct exercise of the different powers of government, which to a certain extent is admitted on all hands to be essential to the preservation of liberty, it is evident that each department should have a will of its own; and consequently should be so constituted that the members of each should have as little agency as possible in the appointment of the members of the others.” The Federalists want each branch of the government has its own agenda and power. But, no branch can overpower the others, so therefore the people freedom can be protected because no…
The American Revolution brought enormous effects on the Americans society polticially by new means of government. One major approach to endure in this change was the Declaration of Independence. George Washington declared a change in the society because he thought it was time to become independent from the Britain's crown. "If men were angels, no government would be necessary". This statement supports the reason of wanting independence because being under the Britain's crown was unfair and Americans did not want that type of government any more. This action also led to the American colonies wanting to self-govern their own society. After the Declaration of Independence the United States of America now had to decide what type of government would watch over this new country. After the Constitution, the writers of the Constitution debated over a strong central government versus strong states. The Federalist Party supported a strong central government and was made up of mostly Northern industrialists. The Southern plantation owners mostly supported the Democratic-Republicans who stood for states' rights. The Democratic-Republicans thought that a state had the right to overrule a Federal law if they thought it did agree with the state constitution. The Northern states argued that the Federal government had declared slavery illegal and the Southern…
Government can be a complicated system to understand, but one thing I have come to notice is it either you are for something or you are against something. One that is known to many is either the Federalist or the Anti-Federalist. To be considered a Federalist, they want a strong national government and were all for the approval of the Constitution to aid the debt and tensions. To be consider an Anti- Federalist, they were people who opposed a strong federal government and were for the Article of Confederation instead. They preferred for the power to remain in the state and local governments. Some major points of disagreement between the Federalist and Antifederalist visions of the United States were central government and important documents.…