Post-modernism is present in many fields of work or study. Some areas where post-modernism occurs are in film, sociology, music, architecture, literature, and many other areas. Due to the wide range of areas post-modernism is present, there are many ways to define post-modernism, it’s effect on the field, and the techniques used. One of the most profound areas post-modernism has made an impact on is literature (Sarup).
Postmodernism was first identified as a area of study in the 1980s, but goes back further as a culture change. Exactly when modernism lead to postmodernism is difficult to pinpoint, if not simply impossible. Some people feel that such a distinction cannot occur, these people view post-modernism as a piece of modernism. Some identify the burgeoning anti-establishment movements of the 1960s as the earliest trend out of cultural modernity toward postmodernism. Some people feel that post-modernism began due to both of the World Wars (“Postmodernism.”).
In literature post-modernism is derived from modernism. Modernism and post-modernism have many things in common for example; does not conform, does not distinguish genre, and it puts emphasis on irony. Although there are many things in common between post-modernism and modernism, there are also differing aspects. The main difference is the views expressed by post-modernism; mainly, post-modernism literature attempts and claims to create a sense of unity with what is thought to have been lost during modernism (“Postmodernism”). Post-modernism is thought to depict and look into things rather than be “empty” or “meaningless.” People feel post-modernism began in 1945.Post-modernism is though to have broken barriers between cultures, often referred to as high and low cultures. By ignoring restrictions placed on things you can or cannot put together. Basically, post-modernism can be considered the arts created after the modernism era (Lehman).
Post-modernism literature is