Management as defined by Mary Follett is “the art of getting things done through people” A manger is defined as a person who achieves the organization’s goals by motivating others to perform – not by performing himself. Whether management is an art or a science is a very subjective question. But it can be said without doubt that modern management in the environment of technology is becoming more of a science than an art. We define management for the purpose of Management information Systems as the process of planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating and controlling the efforts of the members of the organization to achieve common stated goals of the organization.
In the process of management, a manager uses human skills, material resources and scientific methods to perform all the activities leading to the achievement of goals. The management process involves a continuous resolution of conflicts of one kind or the other which affects the achievement of goals. In the management of any activity, a manager comes across human conflict, conflict of goals, between alternative resources, conflict of time, conflict of approach or method and the conflict of choice.
The manager uses a variety of tools, techniques and skills while executing the management process of planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating and controlling. An effective way of handling this process is to treat the organization as a system. The result – oriented management approaches the problem of management through the system view of the organization.
The key concepts of the system theory used in the management are as follows:
1. A system is a comprehensive assembly of parts becoming an organization to achieve the stated goals.
2. A system is called OPEN if it has interaction with the environment and CLOSED if it not have an interaction with the environment.
3. A system is defined, described and understood by the